What is interstitial cystitis?
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic illness with symptoms similar to acute UTI but does not result from microbial contamination. It is known as the opposite of regular cystitis.
“Cystitis” is a medical word that means “inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis is merely an inflammation of the urinary bladder and is frequently a result of a bacterial infection.
Interstitial cystitis could really alter the course of everyday life for people living with it. While it may affect both sexes and people of all age groups, women are more susceptible to the condition than men. A frequent urge to urinate and a piercing or burning pain while urinating are the most common symptoms. Cystitis can be treated with antibiotics, no matter which one of the many types is used, but homeopathy can also be used in treating this condition. And because interstitial cystitis develops without bacterial infection, the use of antibiotics becomes obsolete and inappropriate.
Homeopathy is one branch of medicine that can treat interstitial cystitis more naturally since its treatment is based on minerals and herbs rather than on chemical substances. Homeopathy is done to relieve pain and enhance the body’s immune system to fight and heal itself from different conditions. Since it is a safe and non-intrusive remedial treatment, it can help quickly alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by cystitis. It uses the body’s immune system and defenses to combat illnesses; it is one of the most natural and toxin-free forms of treatment.
Symptoms of IC
A bladder ailment called interstitial cystitis typically has several symptoms.
- persistent pelvic ache,
- soreness or pressure in the pelvic and bladder area,
- Urgency and frequency of urination
Two varieties of interstitial cystitis exist.
- Ninety percent of IC patients have non-ulcerative IC. If you have non-ulcerative IC, you may have pinpoint hemorrhages (petechiae), which are also known as glomerulations in the bladder wall.
- Ulcerative: 5–10% of individuals with IC experience ulcerative IC. Usually, they have red spots on the bladder wall that leak in certain places (Hunner’s ulcers).
In many cases, interstitial cystitis usually comes along with bacterial inflammation of the urethra, which then makes the disease a urinary tract infection. The high susceptibility of females to cystitis is due to their shorter urethra, which makes it easy for bacteria to move into the bladder. The common cause of interstitial cystitis in males is kidney disease. Interstitial cystitis shows different symptoms, some of which are:
- Fever
- Nausea and vomiting
- Pain in the lower back
- Discomfort in the suprapubic area
- Tenderness around the pelvic environment
- Sexual intercourse becomes painful
- Pain when the bladder gets filled up and relief after it gets emptied
Symptoms may increase in women during menstruation, and men may experience an increase in the severity of pain in the penis while ejaculating.
Interstitial cystitis and homeopathic treatment
The approach to treating interstitial cystitis is to address the cause whenever it is known and as much as possible. Homeopathic treatment is often designed to manage the symptoms of cystitis if the cause of the condition is unknown. It can relieve symptoms, help reduce the recurrence of infections affecting the urinary tract, and essentially reduce the need for antibiotics.
There are many homeopathic medicines used for treating interstitial cystitis, and some of them include:
- Hepar sulphuricum
- Medorrhinum
- Sepia
- Apis mellifica
- Nux vomica
- Equisetum
- Lycopodium clavatum
- Lilium
- Staphisagria
- Cantharis
- Kali carbonicum and many others
The homeopathic treatment to be used is chosen based on your state of health, the nature of the symptoms you are experiencing, and the extent of your condition.
Some of these homeopathic medicines are considered in more detail:
Apis is recommended for patients who urinate only in small quantities but have frequent urges to urinate. The stinging and burning pain felt when urinating (arguably the main symptoms in most interstitial cystitis cases) can be relieved using Apis mellifica through cold and open-air applications.
When there are symptoms of an acute burning sensation or pain radiating outward, this homeopathic medicine known as Berberis
is always helpful. It is usually recommended for lethargic individuals.
This is usually recommended for people who have the constant urge to urinate, people with burning pain, and people who also feel like the bladder is never empty after urinating.
It is prescribed for people who have problems when urinating or are unable to urinate, no matter how intense the urge is. The people who are advised to use this the most are those who are introspective with compulsive behavior and irrational fears. The symptoms worsen with an intake of coffee and in the cold.
When symptoms of interstitial cystitis include an uncomfortable feeling of fullness of the bladder and dull pain after it is emptied, this homeopathic medicine will help.
This is recommended for people who have burns and piercing pain while urinating and after urinating. This medicine is usually prescribed to people who are often impatient, hurried, and regretful. Warm surroundings typically increase their physical symptoms.
This is essentially the most appropriate choice for people with spasmodic pain in the bladder and a somewhat irritating desire to urinate. Their physical symptoms worsen when they feel mentally exhausted or after consuming coffee or spicy foods.
Of all these homeopathic medicines, whether you choose it or it is recommended, always ensure you pay close attention to the dosage.
Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis in Philadelphia
At the Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic, a team of medical professionals led by Dr. Tsan treats this interstitial cystitis with a combination of individually customized homeopathic remedies and classical acupuncture. In many cases, homeopathic drugs are used, even in the form of injections. While traditional treatment for this medical condition is impractical, most patients report significant improvement and long-term remissions.
To book an appointment for homeopathic treatment of interstitial cystitis, call our clinic at (267) 403-3085 or use our online scheduling system.