Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS): Homeopathic Treatment

Treatment for PMDD and PMS

Treatment for PMDD and PMS

Treatment for PMDD in Western medicine is palliative and aims to prevent or minimize symptoms.

The options for treatment for PMDD may include:


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem, and others) and sertraline (Zoloft), are treatments for PMDD that may reduce emotional symptoms, fatigue, food cravings, and sleep problems. You can reduce the symptoms of PMDD by taking SSRIs all month or only during the interval between ovulation and the start of your period.

Birth control pills.

Taking birth control pills with no pill-free interval or a shortened interval may reduce PMS and PMDD.

Nutritional supplements.

Consuming 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily may reduce symptoms of PMS and PMDD. Vitamin B-6, magnesium, and L-tryptophan are PMS treatments that may help, but talk to your doctor for advice before taking any supplements.

Treatment for PMDD

Diet and lifestyle changes.

Regular exercise often reduces premenstrual symptoms. Reducing caffeine, avoiding alcohol, and stopping smoking may ease symptoms, too. Getting enough sleep and using relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, are PMS treatments that may help.

Over-the-counter pain medicines

This PMS treatment is used to ease cramps (dysmenorrhea), headaches, breast tenderness, and other physical symptoms.

What is PMDD?

In this article, we’ll discuss what PMDD is, the difference between PMDD and PMS, and the best natural treatments for PMS and natural remedies for PMDD. This is a more severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS causes bloating, headaches, and breast tenderness a week or two before your period.


Women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder, aka PMDD, have PMS symptoms (bloating, headaches, and breast tenderness) weeks before their period. However, PMDD also causes severe anxiety, depression, and mood changes. Some women with PMDD become suicidal.

With PMDD, you might have PMS symptoms and extreme irritability, anxiety, or depression. These symptoms improve within a few days after your period starts, but they can be severe enough to interfere with your life.

What is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of mental and physical disturbances in a woman’s body system after ovulation, at the onset of her menstrual flow. A woman’s body undergoes specific changes before her period starts, and PMS symptoms come into play during this period.

Premenstrual Syndrome - PMS

The physical disturbances experienced vary among individuals, including fatigue, bloating, acne, changes in appetite, and breast tenderness. Mental stress involves depression, oversensitivity, mood swings, irritability, and crying. Women usually have at least two of these symptoms as signs of PMS.

 Differences between PMS And PMDD

Many women feel different a week or so before they get their periods. They may get depressed, cry often, feel angry, get acne, have tender breasts, feel sleepy, have less energy, and feel heavy or bloated.


If you have these problems around the same time every month and they go away when your period starts, you likely have premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

But if your PMS symptoms are so extreme that they stop you from doing the usual things that you do at work or home, or if they affect the way that you relate to the people in your life, you may have premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which is a more severe form of PMS.

Signs of PMS vs. PMDD

Up to 75% of women with periods may have mild PMS, but PMDD is much less common. It affects only between 3% and 8% of women. Women with mild PMS may not need a doctor’s help to cope with the symptoms. However, women with PMDD might need to talk to their doctor about improving their issues.


At first glance, PMS and PMDD may seem to be the same because they have many of the same symptoms, including:

  • Bloating
  • Tender breasts
  • Headaches
  • Muscle or joint aches and pains
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Food cravings
  • Changes in mood

PMS and PMDD are different in several ways. For example:

  • If you have PMS, you may feel depressed. But if you have PMDD, your sadness may be so extreme that you feel hopeless. You might even have thoughts about suicide.
  • You could feel anxious when you have PMS. But with PMDD, your anxiety is probably on a very different level. Some women with PMDD describe feeling very tense or on edge.
  • Mood swings. When you have PMS, you can get moody. You feel happy one minute and upset or angry the next, and you’re more likely to cry. But with PMDD, your mood swings will be much more severe. You may become outraged, and things that don’t usually bother you will likely irritate you. You might pick fights, even if this isn’t your usual style. You may also cry about things that wouldn’t usually upset you. You may feel out of control of your life.
  • Feelings about your life. If you have PMS and feel depressed, you may feel a little detached from your usual routine. But if you have PMDD, you’ll likely stop caring about your job, hobbies, friends, and family—anything that otherwise might put you in a good mood.

Symptoms of PMS

Symptoms of PMS

The symptoms of PMS are usually mild or moderate. According to the journal American Family Physician, nearly 80 percent of women report one or more symptoms that do not substantially affect daily functioning.

Twenty to 32 percent of women report moderate to severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome that affect some aspect of life. Three to 8 percent report symptoms of PMDD. The severity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome can vary by individual and month.

PMS Symptoms

The primary symptoms of PMS are:

Symptoms of PMDD

The symptoms of PMDD are similar to but more severe than those experienced in PMS. Symptoms of PMDD are typically present during the week before menses and resolve within the first few days after menstrual onset.

Those who experience PMDD often cannot function at their average capacity while symptoms are present. The condition can affect relationships and disrupt routines at home and work.

Symptoms of PMDD

Symptoms of PMDD, both common and rare, are:

Fluid retention may lead to breast tenderness, decreased urine production, swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles, and temporary weight gain.

There may also be skin problems, such as acne, inflammation, itching, and worsening cold sores. Most of these symptoms are affective or linked to anxiety.

What causes PMDD?

Experts don’t know what causes PMDD. Researchers believe that the cause of PMDD is being susceptible to changes in hormone levels. Recent research suggests that PMDD is associated with increased sensitivity to regular hormonal changes during your monthly menstrual cycle.

Causes of PMDD

However, possible causes of PMDD are:


  • Some research suggests that genetic variations may cause increased sensitivity to changes in hormone levels.


  • Some research suggests that smoking can have an impact on your hormone sensitivity.

Trauma and stress.

  • Other research has shown that PMDD may be linked to stressful and traumatic past events, such as emotional or physical abuse, in some cases. Stress may also make your PMDD symptoms worse.

What is causing PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome usually occurs between 7 and 14 days before a woman starts, which can continue throughout her period. Even though the exact cause is unknown, the general knowledge about the cause is assumed to be hormonal changes accompanying the menstrual cycle. Some suggest that PMS occurs due to alterations in sex hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain.

Causes of PMS

Premenstrual syndrome cannot be attributed to a person’s personality, nor can it be attributed to psychological stress. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is rare but is more severe than PMS and is treated with antidepressants and birth control pills.

Similarities between PMS and Pregnancy

The symptoms of PMS are related to early pregnancy in some women. This is not general to all women, as some may report symptoms such as breast tenderness, fatigue, mood swings, and bloating, which are common in women experiencing PMS.

PMS, PMDD or Pregnancy

The way to determine either of the conditions is the arrival of the menstrual period or a positive pregnancy test.

Natural remedies for PMS are commonly used for the natural treatment of PMDD.

Natural remedies for PMS are a proven type of PMS treatment that is effective and causes no side effects. Below are natural PMS remedies.

Home remedies for PMDD

Home remedies for PMS—the most common form of treatment for PMDD and PMS

Home remedies for PMS are natural remedies for PMS that are achievable at home, and they are very effective. Listed below are home remedies for PMS

Exercise is an essential part of any natural treatment for PMDD and PMS

Sticking to a regular exercise routine may help to improve PMS symptoms. Regular aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling release endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin (chemical messengers that can boost mood) and positively affect energy and sleep.

Regular exercise is also good for you. The more you move and stretch, the better you feel during the last phase of your menstrual cycle.

Exercises and Yoga for PMDD

The most effective exercises to try are:

  • Pilates
  • Walking
  • Swimming

If possible, exercise outdoors to enjoy nature and get a powerful punch of mood-boosting vitamin D.

Stress Management is a vital component of natural treatment for PMDD and PMS.

Breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga are home remedies that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Many women feel more assertive and attuned to their needs in the weeks before menses. Allowing for personal time to unwind, express emotions, and give priority to your needs and what nourishes you can be a positive use of this.

Sleep well; this is part of the natural treatment for PMDD and PMS

One of the symptoms of PMS is fatigue, so it makes sense to try to increase your relaxation in these weeks. This includes trying to get more sleep by going to bed earlier. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks before bed or eating meals too late to ensure that you get eight hours of sleep. Aim for a whole night’s rest

It’s hard enough for people to function without sleep when they’re healthy. If you have PMDD and don’t sleep, it’s almost impossible to get through the day successfully. Chronic insomnia can lead to depression and anxiety. It also increases irritability and fatigue.

You should:

  • Go to bed at the same time each night.
  • Don’t take long naps during the day.
  • Avoid caffeine and other stimulants for several hours before bedtime.
  • Only use your bedroom for sex and sleep.
  • Avoid TV and computer screens before bedtime.
  • Keep your bedroom at a comfortably cool temperature.
  • Do something relaxing before bedtime, such as reading or a warm bath.

Meditation, a well-known form of natural treatment for PMS

Research suggests mindful meditation can reduce anxiety, depression, and pain, all common symptoms of PMDD and PMS. Meditation requires you to focus on the present moment and concentrate on breathing. This can help you relax and detach from uncomfortable symptoms.

Take a warm bath—commonly used by most women to relieve symptoms of PMDD and PMS.

Warm baths are home remedies for PMS. Warm baths are suitable for almost anything that ails you. They can help soothe menstrual cramps, ease anxiety, and relax you for a better night’s rest.

Try these tips to get the most from your bath:

  • Choose a time when you won’t be interrupted, such as after the kids are in bed.
  • Light lavender- or rose-scented candles before you slip into the tub.
  • Play soothing background music, such as soft jazz or classical piano.
  • Add essential oils to your bathwater. The water will dilute the oil, so there’s no risk of irritation.

Keep the relaxation momentum going after your bath by slipping into a plush robe and slippers. Prepare a hot water bottle and place it on your belly or lower back for further pain relief.

Yoga is an exercise-based natural treatment for PMDD

Yoga is an ancient practice that uses deep breathing, meditation, and specific poses to warm the body, help ease pain, and promote relaxation.

According to a 2016 study, yoga can improve menstrual pain and overall health. It also helped women become more aware of their physical and emotional distress, which may help them cope better.

You might find the following yoga poses beneficial:

  • Bridge
  • Downward-Facing Dog
  • Butterfly

Other natural PMS remedies are:

  • Taking calcium supplements is worth considering, as the symptoms of PMS and calcium deficiency are very similar. Some believe that Vitamin E can help alleviate PMS. Taking magnesium can help if you retain water during your period. Vitamin B6 can help boost the effects of your magnesium supplements and help with mood changes.
  • Evening Primrose Oil has also been found to help alleviate breast tenderness for some women.
  • Research suggests that Agnus castus may help alleviate anxiety, irritability, and mood swings some women experience with PMS. PremHerb is a traditional herbal medicinal product used to relieve the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome.

Homeopathy is the #1 natural treatment for PMDD and PMS

There are various homeopathic remedies for PMS, each applied to individual premenstrual syndrome cases. Enumerated below are a few remedies, as they are not limited to the ones listed below.


Sepia is an excellent remedy for treating irritability in women with PMS, especially a few days before the commencement of the period. This irritability usually involves avoiding any activity requiring an insignificant proportion of physical or mental effort. Sepia calms the mind of such a woman.


Pulsatilla is an effective remedy suitable for treating PMDD. Women who are emotional and sensitive and often cry will benefit from it if their behavior is visible as they cry, even in public. They are relieved when offered some form of sympathy. Such a person feels good in an environment with fresh air.


Ignatia is a homeopathic remedy suitable for treating depression and mood swings, especially those caused by PMS. Such a person tends to be comfortable not keeping company, preferring to be alone. Such a woman feels sad as the time for her period approaches and is often seen crying.


Conium is a remedy best for treating breast tenderness characterized by pain, swelling, and enlargement before the period commences. Such a woman’s breast is sensitive to touch and becomes painful and stiff.


Lachesis is a valuable homeopathic remedy for a woman experiencing pain in different parts of the body due to PMS. This pain occurs a few days before the start of the period and stops once the period commences. One significant pain experienced is a headache, and the person feels uncomfortable in tight clothes.


Bryonia is a remedy closely related to conium, as both treat breast tenderness. Before the start of the period, Bryonia treats extreme breast heaviness and pain. The breast is relieved a bit when held. Bryonia is a highly effective remedy for the treatment of PMDD

Carbo Vegetabilis and China

Carbo Vegetabilis and China are suitable for women who experience bloating, especially a distended abdomen, before the period. Such a person experiences excessive gas in the abdomen, leading to pain. Such a woman can experience vomiting from undigested food.


Bovista is a homeopathic remedy for diarrhea that shows up before menses. The women may also suffer from heavy bleeding and intermenstrual bleeding episodes.

It is essential to seek the service of a qualified homeopath for a proper prescription to get the best remedy that suits your condition.

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Homeopathic Treatment for PMDD in Philadelphia

Doctor Tsan, Medical Director of the Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic, has extended experience in PMS treatment. He started his medical career as an OBGYN physician, and during almost 40 years of his clinical practice, many female patients suffered from this widespread medical condition. Many women believe that PMS is a normal condition caused by hormonal instability during the last part of the menstrual cycle. However, this instability should not happen in a healthy woman’s body. Not only family members but also women themselves suffer during the PMS. Homeopathy is one of the best medical approaches in PMS clinics, and women should not suffer every month.

If you need to schedule an appointment for a homeopathic consultation, contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085 or use our automatic scheduling system.